Cutter Cassettes

Cutter cassettes are elements that contain the cutting edges and are bolted on to the saw blades.

Cutter Cassettes

The components known as cutter cassettes are fastened onto the saw blades and hold the cutting edges.

The components known as cutter cassettes are fastened onto the saw blades and hold the cutting edges. The cutting edge of the cutter cassettes is a polycrystalline diamond compact that is brazed to the steel base. For slotting, the cutting edge angle in relation to the saw blade periphery has been improved. The processing slot could be bigger than it would be if the cutting edges were in the same plane due to the layout of alternating cutter cassette positioning on each side. The transfer of chips and the cutting of material are more effective with this staggered arrangement.

The width of the slot is determined by the cutters' width and the offset configuration. Cutter cassettes from Talent city are available with slot widths varying from 8 to 12 mm. Cutter cassettes with various tip profiles, including Standard, High Profile, Protected, and Rounded Tip, are also available.

The terminology for cutter cassettes is commonly XABY, where:

  • X refers to the tip profile, S for Standard, R for Round, and H for High Profile tip profiles are denoted by the letters X and AB, respectively.
  • Left- or right-side cassettes are denoted by the letters L or R, respectively.

More efficient cutter cassettes

The processing slot may be bigger than it would be if the cutting edges were in the same plane due to the layout of alternating cutter cassette positioning on each side. The transfer of chips and the cutting of material are both more effective in this staggered configuration.